Boat safaris in and outside Isfjord

From March to November-December, you can find half-day and day boat tours inside Isfjord and along West of Spitsbergen, up to Ny Ålesund. You will enjoy beautiful landscapes, glaciers meeting the see and, luckily, creation of icebergs, as well as wildlife (bird cliffs, whales, walruses and seals) depending on the time of the year. During the Dark Season, you chase northern lights in a pitch black Isfjord. Some tours also offer you a visit of settlements: the ghost Soviet town Pyramiden, the Russian settlement Barentsburg and the former mining settlement turned into a research station Ny Ålesund.

Be cautious when you book: some of the boats are not suitable for children, pregnant women and people with knee or back pain.

For tours reaching outside the fjord, you must be aware that the weather can be rough and the tour may be changed or cancelled.
Contact us for more information about the usual solutions proposed by the companies or to organise your own boat.

Expedition cruises along Spitsbergen

From 3 days to 3 weeks, cruises usually lead you to 80° parallel, looking for polar bears. Be careful in your choice: if your life is dedicated to photography or if you simply want to enjoy the landscape and wildlife while enjoying some comfort, you may not chose the same boat/cruise.